
  • Social Media - It’s Pervasive, Impactful and Not Going Away

    From a young physician’s Uber tantrum gone viral on YouTube, to an attorney’s tweet that got him fired, consider other misguided actions captured on social media. As we explore the pervasive world of social media, the good, bad and ugly can surface in your claims and lawsuits. No one likes surprises in the trenches of litigation, so learning, embracing and anticipating the need to explore the social media presence of involved parties must now be the new norm, not the exception. Ethical obligations abound and guidelines must be followed but this growing frontier of information in the discovery process is not going away. From cost-effective tools, to in-depth investigations, we explore several approaches to unearthing social media information gems. Courts are loathed to forgive inattention or lack of diligence in obtaining information. It’s readily available and can be highly probative to the defense of your professional liability cases. If you don’t collect this valuable information, your opponent will, and you’ve missed a now essential element of claims investigation.